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Week 213

This was one of those in-between weeks so I’ll keep things short.

I wrote up and pub­lished a project page for Rip­ple Effect. This was a very inter­est­ing and reward­ing engage­ment with Shell, which we hope will see fol­low-up in the next year.

Alper returned from Japan. I updat­ed him of the things that went down in his absence and we were off again.

Off work­ing on SANMA, to be exact. We reviewed mate­ri­als shared by the client and for­mu­lat­ed pos­si­ble avenues of explo­ration. On Fri­day morn­ing we had an ear­ly Skype call to dis­cuss these. (Did I men­tion SAN­MA’s client is based in Aus­tralia? Makes for inter­est­ing con­fer­ence call times.) We decid­ed on which things we’ll be work­ing on more close­ly next.

The week end­ed with odds and ends, such as a pleas­ant mid-day meet­ing catch­ing up with Ianus. I did some plan­ning work for Beesten­ben­de’s final iter­a­tion and wrapped up with spec­tat­ing some GTA V which was being played in the Dutch Game Gar­den’s shared space.

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