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Week 223

I spent a fair part of last week video edit­ing the results of the work­shop we did at the Mozil­la Fes­ti­val in Lon­don a cou­ple of weeks ago. Edit­ing demoes into some­thing con­cise with­out los­ing the essence is a very time con­sum­ing but fun process. We’ll share the video as soon as we get a go-ahead from the organizers.

Talk­ing about video: Kars went to De Gids offices in Ams­ter­dam last week to shoot a short doc­u­men­tary of the Vic­to­ry Boo­gie Woo­gie game we made for them. Bram Ruiter and Kim Idsin­ga were crew and they inter­viewed Dirk Vis (a writer in the game) and Gera Pronk (a play­er in the game) about their experiences.

Bram shooting Dirk for the mini documentary on Victory Boogie Woogie

Kars pre­pared the Cup­pings cof­fee tast­ing game for pub­li­ca­tion which we’ll send out into the world as soon as we have a breath to spare.

Playing the Cuppings coffee tasting game at The Village

In between I worked on Beesten­bende as did Kars based on feed­back from the Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um. That is real­ly near­ing com­ple­tion and we’ll be hap­py to wrap that project tidi­ly and send it off in time for Christ­mas. I also spent alto­geth­er too much time on administration.

We also pre­pared KAZUNOKO and CHUTORO, our two final engage­ments for this year. KAZUNOKO is an explo­ration for a game to be made about the nation­al Dutch health care fore­sight report. CHUTORO is a project we’re doing in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the GEE­lab in Karl­sruhe.

With the end of the year approach­ing and a lot of stuff that needs fin­ish­ing Kars worked on Beesten­bende into the week­end (while also attend­ing Le Guess Who?). We don’t pre­fer doing this but we do it when we have to. I caught up with a cou­ple of friends who are strik­ing out on their own in the Berlin design scene and those con­ver­sa­tions prompt­ed me to revis­it The Heist Mod­el. This is a way of col­lab­o­ra­tion that we set out on a cou­ple of years ago but con­tact with real­i­ty has inevitably changed the orig­i­nal prin­ci­ples. I will write some stuff about how we work right now and how that may be a way for­ward for oth­er cre­atives who don’t feel they have a lot of options.

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