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Week 231

Last week both Alper and I were almost ful­ly occu­pied with wrap­ping up CHUTORO. On Mon­day, I built a deck of slides pro­vid­ing a ratio­nale for the design while Alper put the fin­ish­ing touch­es on the pro­to­type. On Tues­day, we both trav­eled to Karl­sruhe. I read a lot of Metaphors We Live By. I believe Alper played a lot of Hearth­stone or Dota 2 or both. On Wednes­day, we demoed the pro­to­type and pre­sent­ed the ratio­nale. Despite a small glitch things went quite well. Since this is a project about exer­cise, I was pleased we man­aged to get every­one out of their chairs and into the fresh air for a stroll through a park near­by. We also cri­tiqued the work of oth­er par­tic­i­pat­ing stu­dios. As with last time around, I felt a bit like being a stu­dent in art school again. When done well, I real­ly like crits. The day after it was back to Utrecht for me and back to Berlin for Alper. The rest of the week was tak­en up by doc­u­ment­ing the design fur­ther, and some admin, ops and deliv­ery stuff on the side. It’s a lux­u­ry to be able to focus exclu­sive­ly on one project. This was a good week.

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