Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 237

On Mon­day I got sev­er­al vis­its from friends, fam­i­ly and col­leagues, all curi­ous about my new work­space. It was enjoyable—we even played some Ani­mal Upon Ani­mal with Eel­co’s kids—but not con­ducive to much pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. I main­ly did finan­cial and admin­is­tra­tive tasks.

Alper, mean­while, returned from a much-deserved long week­end relax­ing (and drink­ing cof­fee) in Oslo. He spent the day catch­ing up on cur­rent affairs.

We reviewed the past week’s sprint for AJI the next day. We’ve been work­ing in short, one-week sprints. This is a good way to stay nim­ble and only focus on the most press­ing mat­ters. Lat­er that day, Simon joined us to plan the upcom­ing sprint focussing most­ly on the web­site accom­pa­ny­ing the app.

Dur­ing most of this Kel­li was present to observe how we work by lis­ten­ing in on our calls. I also spent anoth­er few hours talk­ing to her about oth­er projects such as CHUTORO and just gen­er­al­ly about our take on gam­i­fi­ca­tion. She’ll be doing more research and then get to writ­ing (a task I do not envy her, it’s a lot to chew on). I look for­ward to see­ing her arti­cle in Vrij Ned­er­land.

Alper dis­cussed busi­ness over lunch, and I spent the after­noon try­ing to tame the Email Beast.

We start­ed Wednes­day with a call about a pos­si­ble new project relat­ed to reuse of vacant real-estate. Alper buck­led down to work on AJI while I head­ed over to Jeroen’s new work­space in Free­dom­Lab to go over the sched­ule for a work­shop about a new fes­ti­val for games and game culture.

The next day, Alper con­tin­ued work on AJI. I was par­tic­u­lar­ly amused and impressed with the press release he put togeth­er explain­ing what the app does in “Oprah-speak”. Mean­while, I pre­pared for and sub­se­quent­ly deliv­ered a lec­ture at the HvA. This was fol­lowed by a cri­tique ses­sion in which I got to play a ton of pro­to­types made by the stu­dents in GameMak­er.

That evening, I had a ball play­ing a super vil­lain caught in a bureau­crat­ic night­mare, in a short larp made by for­mer Hub­bub intern Arjen. Short larps are an inter­est­ing phenomenon—the lim­it­ed dura­tion cou­pled with themes diverg­ing from the typ­i­cal sci­fi and fan­ta­sy fare is invit­ing to peo­ple who’d nor­mal­ly not par­tic­i­pate in a week­end-long game.

Paco, one of the many friendly dogs residing in Vechtclub XL

Game room at HvA

On Fri­day, Simon, Alper and I had anoth­er call about AJI, going over the web­site screens I’d sketched. We man­aged to whit­tle my pro­posed set of designs down to even more of a bare min­i­mum. The min­i­mal­ism was off­set by some excit­ing inter­ac­tions that I hope we’ll man­age to pull off. They’re quite dramatic.

Alper had anoth­er meet­ing over lunch, and lat­er that day we joined in one more call explor­ing a pos­si­ble future col­lab­o­ra­tion between us and a kin­dred spir­it in NYC. I end­ed the week with my very first “Bier­club” (Fri­day drinks) at Vecht­club XL, which was nice and con­vivial and includ­ed local­ly brewed craft beer.

So yeah, a good week. It involved a lot of talk­ing and set­ting up of things for what will hope­ful­ly be inter­est­ing future projects. It was a bit of a chal­lenge to get my bit in for AJI in between all the meet­ings and such. I hope to make up for it this week.

Leaving after first Bierclub at Vechtclub XL

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