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Week 240

Last week was a sol­id week of more work on all the things we worked on the week before. The Euro­pean pro­pos­al we are col­lab­o­rat­ing on is tak­ing a lot of atten­tion. AJI is con­tin­u­ing apace with what may very well be the penul­ti­mate sprint before the app goes to the store.

We wrote up our work­shop at Lift 14 and we are prepar­ing to pub­lish one more video this week or next. The arti­cle with us on gam­i­fi­ca­tion in Vrij Ned­er­land is avail­able to read online now (in Dutch) over at their site.

Whiteboard installation: success

At the end of the week I caught a train to Ams­ter­dam to check out our new digs in Vecht­club XL and attend our Q1 OKR review (hence the new white­board). I’ll be try­ing to catch up with as many peo­ple as I can while I am in the Nether­lands over the course of the week.

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