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Week 247

We focused on two projects this week: SHIJIMI and Stand­ing (for­mer­ly known as AJI).

For SHIJIMI, we wrote a pro­pos­al and had a meet­ing with Hei­j­mans and Rezone to dis­cuss it and oth­er doc­u­ments draft­ed ear­li­er by them. Each is a posi­tion paper of sorts, and next we need to merge them all into one thing suit­able for sub­mis­sion for fund­ing. It’s slow going, but I find devot­ing suit­able amounts of time to the pre­lim­i­nary phase of a project always pays off in the end.

Stand­ing’s first prop­er release ver­sion nears com­ple­tion. We con­tin­ued to adjust the app’s accom­pa­ny­ing web­site and I draft­ed an announce­ment blog post. I also head­ed to Rot­ter­dam to spend a day walk­ing through the city with Simon, shoot­ing pho­tos that would make suit­able press materials.

Being photographed by Simon

Mean­while, De Gids pub­lished a sneak pre­view of the essay by Dirk which will be pre­sent­ed dur­ing the event which dou­bles as Stand­ing launch par­ty at Media­mat­ic, on Ascen­sion Day. We’d love to have you over for this, but you can also par­tic­i­pate from any oth­er place on the globe. So mark your calendar.

Oth­er than this, the usu­al meet­ings with poten­tial clients and peers con­tin­ued both in Utrecht and Berlin, as well as bor­ing stuff such as tak­ing care of finances. Alper dropped by UIkonf on sev­er­al occa­sions and I whipped up a quick write­up of the Cup­pings tast­ing game for our portfolio.

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