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Week 248


Most of last week for all of us was spent on Stand­ing, our app for play­ful activism which saw pub­lic release (announce­ment). Respons­es have been more than pos­i­tive and we have had peo­ple stand­ing from all over the world already. One of our biggest inspi­ra­tions, Bernie De Koven called it an exam­ple of inac­tivism. We like that term a lot. We have been busy improv­ing the web­site, fix­ing bugs, talk­ing to peo­ple about the project and plan­ning the launch par­ty at Media­mat­ic Thurs­day evening. You are more than wel­come to join us!

Oth­er than that Kars dropped by EYE for a work­shop. We had a good chat about games with Nina Polak of Dutch pub­li­ca­tion De Cor­re­spon­dent. We debriefed the project CHUTORO with GEE­lab and reflect­ed on our expe­ri­ences collaborating.

We dis­cussed fur­ther work on KEGANI since the pro­pos­al we made for it was not select­ed. The idea of KEGANI is to cre­ate a hybrid game to make more peo­ple aware of a social issue. We are going to work on the con­cept fur­ther and explore oth­er part­ners who would be inter­est­ed in work­ing with us on this. The SHIJIMI pro­pos­al is mov­ing for­ward steadi­ly and it turns out that a lot of peo­ple are inter­est­ed in game­like urban devel­op­ment right now.

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