Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 249

This week’s focus was square­ly on our cel­e­bra­tion of Stand­ing’s launch at Media­mat­ic. While Alper and Simon put the final touch­es on a live dis­play show­ing all active stand­ing ses­sions around the world, I got the word out about the event on social media, coor­di­nat­ed with the event pro­duc­er and got a stream­ing set­up put togeth­er. I also did a quick ignite on the night before the event.

Setting up for Standing event at Mediamatic

We had a nice turnout and real­ly enjoyed our­selves. The course on standing—heavily influ­enced by qigong—was a good warmup. Dirk’s essay liken­ing smart­phones and apps to lamps and jinn served as a nice fram­ing of our work. We then got stand­ing to a live set by Sal­vador Breed. (A record­ing of this is avail­able over at Twitch.) The com­bi­na­tion of ambi­ent noise, stand­ing super still for some­thing you care about, and see­ing peo­ple across the world join in on the live dis­play was rather magical.

Standing session by Hubbub at Mediamatic with music by DJ Salvador. Picture credits: Simon Scheiber.

Aside from our work on Stand­ing, we sent out two updat­ed offers and had an assort­ment of meet­ings. Most notably, I went over to RIVM to cri­tique the cur­rent state of VTV game (which we did strate­gic design for late last year).

On Fri­day, I cleaned out the var­i­ous inbox­es in the morn­ing and sub­se­quent­ly went over to The Vil­lage to decom­press togeth­er with Alper, who had come over for the event.

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