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Week 250

Last week I was in the Nether­lands to wrap up some stuff at our Utrecht stu­dio and to dis­cuss a realign of the stu­dio (more on that lat­er!). On Tues­day I caught up with some peo­ple in Ams­ter­dam and on Wednes­day I made my way back to Berlin, just in time for the sum­mer par­ty, always a great event for peo­ple mak­ing games in Berlin. summer thing

On the projects front: the SHIJIMI pro­pos­al need­ed some adjust­ment before being final. There is a bunch more stuff in the pipes that will make its way into a future wee­knote. Stand­ing got writ­ten up on Bright. We are glad about the atten­tion it is get­ting and we’re now in talks about devel­op­ment. Kars met up with a cou­ple of Dutch cul­tur­al attachés to talk about the role games and play can take in the Nether­lands’ rep­re­sen­ta­tion abroad.

Thurs­day evening I orga­nized a get-togeth­er at our Berlin stu­dio for game design­ers to dis­cuss open prob­lems togeth­er and find solu­tions. This proved to be immense­ly valu­able and will like­ly become a reg­u­lar thing.

Kars playtest­ed KEGANI, a game we’re mak­ing togeth­er with Sub­alekha Udayasankar and we’re real­ly excit­ed about the results from that.

Playtesting KEGANI

I did main­te­nance on (your dai­ly) Vic­to­ry Boo­gie Woo­gie on Fri­day before I went to an event in the Grün­er Salon about the protests in Taksim.

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