Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 262

This week I was joined in Utrecht by Alper who had just returned from his hol­i­day in the Aus­tri­an Alps.

Most of our time was spent on Cam­parc again. Aldo start­ed work on the four balls we’ll need for the main event. Alper assist­ed him with soft­ware devel­op­ment to get the video streams from the balls into Quartz Com­pos­er. I worked with Ties of Pony Design Club on a method for draw­ing anamor­phic ‘puz­zles’, as well as the game’s visu­al identity.

Anamorphic drawing of a square

We also post­ed a teas­er for the game, and sent out an invi­ta­tion to our newslet­ter. If you’re able to join us in Eind­hoven on Sep­tem­ber 14, we’d love to have you over.

I spent some time work­ing out a work­shop for­mat for the Vecht­club XL open­ing week­end, which is anoth­er thing to mark in your agen­da, and Alper wrote a draft pro­pos­al for a muse­um game we look for­ward to producing.

Final­ly, there were copi­ous social occa­sions on which to catch up with friends old and new, includ­ing a vis­it to the tail end of an urban games jam which was part of a game stud­ies sum­mer school, drinks at a Utrecht meet­up for indie game devel­op­ers, a chat with friends at Free­dom­Lab and a vis­it to Cucalu.

Over the week­end, Alper wrote a very help­ful post list­ing 15 eco­nom­ic myths debunked by Thomas Piket­ty’s Cap­i­tal.

All in all, a good week.

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