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Week 263

Aldo putting the final touches on Camparc

Last week was the penul­ti­mate week for Cam­parc so every­body was heav­i­ly involved in work on that. I did research on how to get videostream­ing to work on OS X whose capa­bil­i­ties seem to have seri­ous­ly regressed. I built a cus­tom app using VLCK­it that does what we want it to do. Aldo Hoeben worked on the final aspects of the balls so they can be deployed this Sunday.

For Cam­par­c’s launch STRP are orga­niz­ing an after­noon on urban games with a great line-up of speak­ers. The event is open to the pub­lic and we’d love for you to join us.

Scouting Camparc anamorphic drawing locations with Ties

Ties Alfrink did a bunch of stun­ning graph­ic design work that we can’t wait for you to see. Kars assumed his usu­al role stay­ing on top of every­thing while also going to Eind­hoven to scout out the loca­tion where we are going to deploy the balls and the games.

I kept up with the var­i­ous pro­pos­als we have run­ning and sent out some new stuff. We did an update on KEGANI and called with Sub­alekha Udayasankar to talk through plan­ning up until Play­ful this year. We should have some­thing fair­ly def­i­nite to show by then.

Messing with Tupil's Estimote kit

I did work on the new ver­sion of Stand­ing which is almost ready to ship. Oth­er than that I’m explor­ing sev­er­al oth­er prod­ucts by build­ing pro­to­types (more on that lat­er). Kars did some research on iBea­cons and play for an upcom­ing workshop.

Worth men­tion­ing here as well that our Berlin/Kreuzberg office KANT has a desk open­ing up. The loca­tion is extreme­ly con­ve­nient and I can rec­om­mend work­ing from our fac­to­ry loft. If you would like to join us, get in touch.

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