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Week 269

We’re mak­ing good progress on Bycatch for which we got a wel­come refo­cus­ing after a sit-down with Joris. Joris him­self was at SPIEL demo­ing Super Duo a card game of his own so he’s def­i­nite­ly an expert when it comes to this kind of thing. We’ll also have a web­site online this week through which you can pre­order your copy.

We did a sprint review for Stand­ing to see what we need to do to get the ver­sion out the door. We have a bit more test­ing to do thanks to Apple releas­ing a bunch of new iPhones but stil we should be in good shape this month.

We had a week of stu­dio work for KLM for which we worked through the stuff we pro­duced dur­ing the last work­shop and brought in Sebas­t­ian for a design crit. We have devel­oped some con­cepts but dis­cussing these we inevitably are led into strate­gic con­sid­er­a­tions which will be the focus of our final ses­sion tomorrow.

I did an after­noon of work­shop­ping with Affec­tive Sig­nals in Berlin to see how their prod­uct in the field of com­put­er aid­ed psy­chi­a­try can be improved by apply­ing the right game mechan­ics. The rest of the week I spent doing behind the scenes work, call­ing peo­ple to make sure we are still aligned and send­ing out pro­pos­als. One of those calls was a review of the cur­rent projects for Open Cul­tu­ur Data part of the Open State Foun­da­tion of which I’m still a board mem­ber. I am also still look­ing for a new loca­tion for our Berlin office which is prov­ing to be a challenge.

Kars went over to Philips to dis­cuss a new game for them and had a meet­ing with STRP about the future of Cam­parc.

We are gear­ing up to head to Play­ful at the end of this week. A bit lat­er I’ll be doing a work­shop on Play­ful Prod­uct Design at Thingscon Ams­ter­dam togeth­er with Ianus and in Novem­ber while Kars is on hol­i­day, I will be attend­ing PRACTICE in New York.

Work con­tin­ued dur­ing the week­end with Kars attend­ing the ASEM Play­ful Cities work­shop among many oth­er things.

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