Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 274

At the start of this week Alper was still in NYC after enjoy­ing anoth­er excel­lent edi­tion of PRACTICE. He did some work on Bycatch with Sub­alekha and oth­er­wise enjoyed the city before head­ing back to Europe on Tuesday.

While he was mak­ing the cross­ing, I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the first Tegen­licht meet­up in Utrecht. We watched the episode on the mak­er move­ment and sub­se­quent­ly had a nice lit­tle debate with the episode’s direc­tor. I also briefly pre­sent­ed on how “mak­ing” fig­ures in Hub­bub’s prac­tice and why we appre­ci­ate work­ing from “mak­er space” Vecht­club XL, using Cam­parc as my main example.

Most of my time this week was tak­en up by work on Bycatch. I sketched out the explana­to­ry illus­tra­tions that will be part of the rules. Our bril­liant edi­tor Natalye got the rules’s text in good shape for pub­li­ca­tion. Agnes sent us a cross-sec­tion of all the art­work. On Thurs­day I went over to Pony Design Club to do rough lay­outs of the game’s rules, box and cards with my broth­er Ties.

Laying out Bycatch rules at Pony Design Club

I also did a lit­tle work on Stand­ing togeth­er with Simon. We were so close to ship­ping the visu­al update when we all of a sud­den had to deal with those new iPhones. As a result we’ve been mas­sag­ing the app’s autore­siz­ing set­tings in Xcode to get to com­pat­i­bil­i­ty. Near­ly there.

We wrapped up the week with two events. I par­tic­i­pat­ed in an event organ­ised by Rezone on games for urban devel­op­ment. Alper, mean­while, mod­er­at­ed a pan­el on smart cities at #lab4city. By all accounts he did a great job.

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