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Week 278–280

HNY! Well, we have three weeks worth of notes to catch up on. Week 278 got stuck in the mail because I was a bit too eager to dive into my Christ­mas hol­i­day. Week 279 and 280 were unevent­ful, as is to be expect­ed this time of year. Let’s get into it.

I wrapped up and deliv­ered our work for Social­Re­fer­ral in the form of a low fideli­ty click­able app pro­to­type. We’ll stay in touch to see of we may be of ser­vice at a lat­er stage again.

I also sent out a sum­ma­ry of the con­cept we devel­oped for our pitch for the Dutch Muse­um Asso­ci­a­tion. Next up: Sit­ting down with all the par­ties involved to rough out a pro­duc­tion plan.

I attend­ed an excel­lent edi­tion of Big Broth­er Awards, pro­duced by Dutch Dutch dig­i­tal rights organ­i­sa­tion Bits of Free­dom. See­ing Snow­den live on a big screen from Rus­sia was quite the expe­ri­ence, as was the rest of the evening. I blogged some quick impres­sions on the train ride back home that night.

Snowden at Big Brother Awards

We did some bug hunt­ing and fix­ing on Stand­ing 2.0. An update will be pushed out soonish.

I start­ed doing some plan­ning on our next project with KLM, which involves pro­duc­ing a series of mock­ups to visu­alise the con­cept we devel­oped for them earlier.

Alper is start­ing to push hard­er on mar­ket­ing Bycatch. I am assist­ing by send­ing out the odd email to peo­ple in my net­work. Mean­while I have been on the hunt for the best pack­ag­ing mate­r­i­al for when we start ful­fill­ing our pre-orders.

Alper has also been dri­ving sales efforts for the con­sul­tan­cy, with an ample range of meet­ings with inter­est­ed parties.

Final­ly, Alper moved out of Oranien­straße 6 along with the rest of KANT. In Feb­ru­ary they will reopen doors on Moritz­platz, their new space.

Over Christ­mas and New Year, I took a break and sub­se­quent­ly got my ass kicked by a flu. Mean­while, Alper caught up on half a decade of PS3 games.

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