Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 281

To make the most of the first full work­week of the new year Alper arrived from Berlin to work with me at the Utrecht stu­dio on a num­ber of things.

We kicked off our sec­ond project with KLM on Wednes­day. I went over to “build­ing 600” on Schiphol Noord to share our pre­lim­i­nary ideas for the series of mock­ups we’ll be pro­duc­ing to illus­trate a game con­cept. We divid­ed some tasks (KLM will be very much involved hands-on in this) and set some milestones.

Lat­er that day I also briefed Tim Hengeveld on the project, who will like­ly con­tribute con­cept art to the project.

On Thurs­day, Alper and I went over to Rot­ter­dam to meet up with Simon to cel­e­brate wrap­ping up our work on Stand­ing. We’ve pushed out a few bug fix­es on the 2.0 ver­sion and con­sid­er the project “done” for the fore­see­able future.

Which isn’t to say we won’t con­tin­ue to think and talk about tools for play­ful activism though. For exam­ple, Stand­ing will be part of E‑motive Day 2015 and I will be there to share our ideas on play­ful activism.

We’ll also be part of this year’s Coun­ter­Play fes­ti­val and in all like­li­hood will also talk about Stand­ing and activism (along with oth­er areas of interest).

By the end of the week, a big box con­tain­ing pack­ag­ing for send­ing out Bycatch had arrived. We expect the games to be deliv­ered from the print­er on Jan­u­ary 16 and can’t wait to start send­ing them out.

On Fri­day, Alper and I reviewed 2014’s OKRs and start­ed mak­ing plans for this year’s objec­tives. Aldo dropped by to make plans for a sec­ond ver­sion of Cam­parc which we hope to be pro­duc­ing for this year’s STRP bien­ni­al. And we fin­ished things off in style at the very con­vivial Vecht­club XL new year’s drinks, but not before sam­pling the shōchū Alper had brought from Berlin’s Sake Kon­tor.

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