Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 291

I’m writ­ing this from the Nether­lands where I spent this week tak­ing meet­ings along­side Kars. I’ll be off to Berlin tomor­row while Kars is in Eind­hoven for the first run of Cam­parc II at the STRP bien­ni­al. He did a tech­ni­cal test on Mon­day and final bits of pro­duc­tion for what should be a spec­tac­u­lar launch tonight at the festival.

We’re not work­ing on Home Rule right now. We demoed the pro­to­type and talked about the next sprint at the Muse­umv­erenig­ing on Mon­day and at the Air­borne Muse­um “Harten­stein” on Thurs­day. Key dur­ing the fol­low­ing sprint will be the pos­si­biliy to inte­grate with one muse­um while still allow­ing oth­er musea to par­tic­i­pate. I was also real­ly impressed by the cur­rent immer­sive expe­ri­ence they have there about the bat­tle around Arnhem.

Lecture by Kars

On Tues­day both of us went to Rezone in Den Bosch for an after­noon of play­ing with and talk­ing about urban devel­op­ment with peo­ple from Hei­j­mans. Kars pre­sent­ed on mov­ing away from gam­i­fi­ca­tion to a broad­er approach on play­ful design. I pre­sent­ed draw­ings we have made for City­Craft, our con­cept of how the nego­ti­a­tions around rede­vel­op­ment could become more playful.

For BANKEN Kars reviewed the cur­rent sprint at Drop and on Thurs­day we spent part of the after­noon cre­at­ing the first pro­to­type with Pub­lic State.

For Bycatch we dis­cussed our mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy and tied up some odds and ends before we go into the final stretch. The next thing we are due to pub­lish is a video of peo­ple play­ing the game and per­form­ing its sig­na­ture action.

This week Kars received his copy of The Game­ful World from the MIT Press with his con­tri­bu­tion along­side those of more or less every­body we admire in the field. I’ve helped with the process from the begin­ning and I’m chuffed that it has become such an amaz­ing and sol­id book.

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