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Week 305

I was in the Nether­lands all of last week for some joint work with Kars. I hope to be sta­tion­ary in Berlin for a bit now since all the back and forth does get a bit tir­ing and we have lots of stu­dio work to chew on ahead of us.


Kars gave a demo of SHACHI to a bunch of muse­ums on Mon­day while I flew to Ams­ter­dam. Tues­day we fin­ished some final things for the playtest on Wednes­day. The playtest script was sim­i­lar though this time we had a game that was near­ly con­tent and fea­ture com­plete. Niels ‘t Hooft joined us to take a look at the Air­borne Muse­um and to help us doc­u­ment the entire thing. We’re dis­cussing the results with the client and plan­ning our next steps but we are con­fi­dent that we are head­ed into the right direction.

Kars planned the first design sprint for KOKORO which is an inter­est­ing project we will talk more about later.

Thurs­day morn­ing we went straight into a user jour­ney work­shop for TEDASUKE. That client has a social enter­prise which they want to realign into some­thing where the peo­ple doing stuff can self-orga­nize them­selves. We’ll be help­ing them come up with a strat­e­gy and con­cept that they can take to market.

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