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Week 306

At the start of this week, we looked back on the playtest of project SHACHI’s sec­ond beta ver­sion. I went over to the client to dis­cuss the out­comes, and the whole team col­lab­o­rat­ed on a plan for the next sprint. Mean­while Alper took a moment to update the project financials.

More plan­ning hap­pened on KOKORO. We’ll have rough­ly two weeks for the first design sprint on a prod­uct which will help teenagers improve their men­tal health. I vis­it­ed the client to dis­cuss the plan for the sprint, and we col­lab­o­rat­ed on a sketch of the pro­duc­t’s under­ly­ing system.

We’ll be explor­ing a con­ver­sa­tion­al UI for this project so copy is real­ly impor­tant. Because of this I imme­di­ate­ly start­ed writ­ing in Gingko—a use­ful tool for this sort of thing because it sup­ports a mul­ti­di­men­sion­al doc­u­ment struc­ture. I also did a tiny bit of sketch­ing on the inter­face itself, but we’re keep­ing it super sim­ple. Alper mean­while explored the best tech­nolo­gies to pro­to­type with.

On Thurs­day I joined Erwin for a num­ber of Skype calls with teenagers about KOKO­RO’s sub­ject matter—what com­mon caus­es of “has­sle” are, how they deal with them, etc. We’re try­ing to involve the tar­get audi­ence in as many ways as pos­si­ble in this project. Chal­leng­ing, but enjoyable.

Last but not least, I processed the out­comes of our work­shop with SodaPro­duc­ties for project TEDASUKE into a sketch of a user jour­ney. I head­ed over to them as well to review and amend the sketch. The next step will be to clean it up, deliv­er it, and move on to sketch­ing of the prod­uct itself.

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