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Week 317

A qui­et week for once, now that we have wrapped up most of the cur­rent projects on deck. The slow­er pace took some get­ting used to even though it is a wel­come change from the con­stant pres­sure of the past few months.

On the Free Birds front, we made some final fix­es to the build we fin­ished the week before. The client came over to the stu­dio for a sprint review which went very smooth­ly. Lat­er in the week the team con­vened for a ret­ro­spec­tive which once again yield­ed some use­ful learn­ings to apply to our process in sprints to come. By the end of the week we had groomed our back­log a bit so that we are all ready for the next and final phase of the project.

For Bycatch, we pre­pared a newslet­ter to be sent out soon (sign up here). We talked to Lekha about her expe­ri­ences at XOXO. The game was a big suc­cess at the table­top event. We also ful­filled some more orders and I took some time to make our web­site fav­i­con reti­na with thanks to Mr. Gru­ber.

Alper made use of the down­time to do some work on a next release of Cup­pings which I’m told will drop soon. He also had Loren­zo over for a sneak pre­view of his talk on Japan­ese minigames.

Lorenzo Pilia talking about Japanese minigames

Final­ly, Alper put some words togeth­er on his blog about con­ver­sa­tion­al user inter­faces, a trend we’ve been fol­low­ing and also apply­ing to some recent projects, includ­ing KOKORO and Free Birds.

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