Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 318

Let’s start at the end. On Thurs­day and Fri­day I par­tic­i­pat­ed in a two-day work­shop on the future of ener­gy at Free­dom­Lab. Mean­while, Alper moved apart­ments. I learned a lot about the nuts and bolts of our ener­gy sys­tem and came away opti­mistic about the switch to renew­ables. Alper learned a lot about how to get a wash­ing machine down a flight of stairs.

Ear­li­er in the week I attend­ed the first of a series of co-cre­ation ses­sions organ­ised by State of Flux, aimed at devel­op­ing a new tem­po­rary pro­gram for the Buik­sloter­meer­plein area in Ams­ter­dam Noord. I was there to observe their process. Once all the ses­sions have fin­ished we will devel­op a con­cept for a trans­la­tion of this process to a table­top game, the aim of which is to enable oth­ers to repro­gram the pub­lic spaces they make use of every­day with­out expert help. This is project HENDO.

On the Free Birds front we pre­pared the lat­est release for dis­tri­b­u­tion to the Air­borne Muse­um. The game now allows play­ers to share game con­tent to Muse­umkids and we had to make sure it also works with that web­site’s live envi­ron­ment. Mean­while, Alper spent some time research­ing how best to go about imple­ment­ing a future improve­ment to the game’s chat user interface.

On to our side projects: We sent out a Bycatch newslet­ter to cus­tomers and sub­scribers. (Sign up here to receive the next one.) For Cup­pings, Alper and Simon made a list of final things to fix for the next big release.

Over the week­end I head­ed over to Ianus to lend a hand with his annu­al apple har­vest and Alper had cof­fee and beers with @neb and friends.

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