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Week 322

Anoth­er sim­ple week in terms of stuff going on.

We devot­ed the vast major­i­ty of our time to Free Birds, putting the fin­ish­ing touch­es on the release can­di­date. We’re get­ting real­ly close to the fin­ish line now and its a plea­sure to be able to tune and tweak things to make them just right.

I also demoed the game to a cou­ple of inter­est­ed muse­ums on Wednes­day and got nice respons­es from them.

Jump­ing back a bit, on Tues­day I head­ed over to Ams­ter­dam again to attend the third State of Flux co-cre­ation workshop.

Final­ly, Alper played around with Ethereum at a work­shop on Thursday.

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