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Week 323

This was an impor­tant week for Free Birds. We reviewed the lat­est sprint with the client and sub­se­quent­ly released the release can­di­date (I know!). Only one more sprint to go before we can “go gold”. We also planned this next and final sprint and received a green light soon after.

Mean­while we made a care­ful start with the con­cept for project HENDO, most­ly by review­ing my notes from the first three co-cre­ation sessions.

I blogged a lec­ture about play­ful design for activism from the start of this year.

Alper has start­ed open-sourc­ing some of our old­er projects over on GitHub.

I end­ed the week by attend­ing a Hack­ing Habi­tat lec­ture by Evge­ny Moro­zov on Thurs­day evening and par­tic­i­pat­ing in the work­shop con­nect­ed to it on Fri­day, delv­ing into the nature of con­tem­po­rary bureau­cra­cy and how indi­vid­u­als might curb it to their advantage.

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