Hubbub has gone into hibernation.


Messy desk at Hubbub Berlin studio

Found­ed in 2009, Hub­bub con­sists of a geo­graph­i­cal­ly dis­trib­uted team of peo­ple with back­grounds in design, tech­nol­o­gy and games. Our pri­ma­ry inter­est is to invent and build dig­i­tal prod­ucts that are play­ful and engaging.

We make things with which peo­ple can have fun, express them­selves and gain a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the world. These include social plat­forms to facil­i­tate cre­ative expres­sion, inter­ac­tive sys­tems reveal­ing and oper­a­tional­is­ing com­plex­i­ty, web­sites and apps cater­ing to niche inter­ests and sub­cul­tures, and new forms of media suit­ed to a post-dig­i­tal world.

Our ser­vices include research, inven­tion, design and devel­op­ment. We pre­fer to be involved in ear­ly stages of projects, work­ing togeth­er with clients to devel­op briefs and con­cepts in work­shops. We explore design direc­tions through iter­a­tive devel­op­ment and the test­ing of pro­to­types. Our approach is a prag­mat­ic blend of hands-on design and cut­ting-edge engi­neer­ing per­formed by inte­grat­ed teams of inde­pen­dent specialists.

Hub­bub part­ners over­see the day-to-day oper­a­tion of the stu­dio and bring in asso­ciates on a per-project basis. This allows us to employ a wide range of skills and exper­tise on what­ev­er chal­lenge we may be pre­sent­ed with. We think this way of work­ing is the future of the design studio.

We divide our time between client work and self-com­mis­sioned projects. We think as much as we make, and share our find­ings in talks and writ­ings on our blog and elsewhere.

  • Kars Alfrink
    Kars Alfrink M.A.
    Founder, Partner & Principal Designer

    Kars Alfrink
    Alper Çugun M.Sc.
    Partner, Principal Technologist

    Sebastian Deterding
    Sebastian Deterding PhD
    Associate, gameful & playful design

    Joris Dormans
    Joris Dormans PhD
    Associate, game mechanics & procedural generation

    Ianus Keller
    Ianus Keller PhD
    Associate, hybrid products & tools for creativity