Hubbub has gone into hibernation.


A preview of Bycatch's card artwork and graphic design

Bycatch is a card game about flawed sur­veil­lance, impos­si­ble deci­sions, and the peo­ple caught in between, for 3–5 players.

In Bycatch, each play­er con­trols a nation on the hunt for sus­pect­ed ter­ror­ists. The play­ers try to locate sus­pects hid­ing abroad using drone sur­veil­lance, and elim­i­nate them using drone strikes. Mean­while, they must shel­ter their cit­i­zens from the attacks of their oppo­nents. Who will gath­er the most accu­rate intel­li­gence and strike with the least col­lat­er­al damage?

The game is a self-ini­ti­at­ed project in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Brook­lyn-based design­er Sub­alekha Udayasankar.

A Bycatch player surveilling his opponent

  • Project credits

    Original idea by Subalekha Udayasankar. Game design by Subalekha Udayasankar, Alper Çugun, and Kars Alfrink. Artwork by Agnes Loonstra. Graphic design by Pony Design Club. The designers would like to thank all the people who have helped by testing the game.