Hubbub has gone into hibernation.


Cam­parc is a life-sized trans­par­ent ball. Inside the ball are a cam­era with a panoram­ic lens and a small com­put­er. The com­put­er sends video to a vir­tu­al real­i­ty head­set via a mobile net­work connection.

The vir­tu­al real­i­ty head­set mea­sures your head move­ments so that they can be used to con­trol what you see. With the head­set you can see the world from the per­spec­tive of the Cam­parc ball while oth­ers play with it.

Cam­parc is a toy for play­ing togeth­er in pub­lic space. Sur­prise your­self, your play­mates and the cre­ators by invent­ing all kinds of new things to do with it.

Camparc Mark II

Camparc Mark II

Camparc Mark II

Camparc Mark II

Camparc Mark II

An ear­li­er ver­sion of Cam­parc did not include the vir­tu­al real­i­ty head­set but in stead made use of a large pub­lic screen and anamor­phic street art:

Cam­parc is a panoram­ic cam­era ball play­ground. It con­sists of a num­ber of man-size balls which trans­mit live 360-degrees video to a large urban screen. Cam­parc invites peo­ple to explore their sur­round­ings using these unique cam­era toys through free play. Anamor­phic puz­zles are drawn on streets and walls in the sur­round­ing area to pro­vide play­ers with addi­tion­al chal­lenges. These draw­ings tie togeth­er the screen, balls and space in one delight­ful experience.


