Hubbub has gone into hibernation.


Hub­bub is a play­ful design con­sul­tan­cy, and a stu­dio for play­ful products.

The con­sul­tan­cy helps organ­i­sa­tions do things with games and play. We offer strat­e­gy, inven­tion and pro­to­typ­ing ser­vices which help deliv­er seri­ous games that are as engag­ing as they are edu­ca­tion­al, and gam­i­fi­ca­tion that is gen­uine­ly moti­vat­ing and liberating.

The stu­dio ini­ti­ates and pro­duces its own games, toys and oth­er play­ful prod­ucts, fre­quent­ly in col­lab­o­ra­tion with oth­er inde­pen­dent mak­ers, which are often crit­i­cal or exper­i­men­tal, and span the dig­i­tal and the physical.

  • Engaging sleep mode

    First of all, best wish­es for the new year. Before look­ing ahead, a quick look back. 2015 was great for us. In our end-of-year review of 2014 we said we want­ed to bal­ance cre­ative suc­cess with more com­mer­cial suc­cess. And we did. Busi­ness was good in 2015. We did much more con­sult­ing com­pared to the year […]

    Art used on Ripple Effect landing page

    Ripple Effect

    A team-based game for Shell, aimed at mak­ing oth­er peo­ple’s safe­ty a per­son­al con­cern by con­nect­ing staff and con­trac­tors globally.