Hubbub has gone into hibernation.


We invent and build engag­ing and play­ful dig­i­tal prod­ucts with which peo­ple can have fun, express them­selves, and gain a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the world. We offer a broad range of cre­ative ser­vices includ­ing research, con­cep­tu­al­i­sa­tion, design, devel­op­ment and support.

We work for every­body from small cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions to large cor­po­ra­tions. Our clients include the cities of Rot­ter­dam and Utrecht, the Dutch Tax Admin­is­tra­tion, Noord­hoff Pub­lish­ers, FriendScout24, VARA, BMW, Shell and the Utrecht Uni­ver­si­ty Museum.

  • Engaging sleep mode

    First of all, best wish­es for the new year. Before look­ing ahead, a quick look back. 2015 was great for us. In our end-of-year review of 2014 we said we want­ed to bal­ance cre­ative suc­cess with more com­mer­cial suc­cess. And we did. Busi­ness was good in 2015. We did much more con­sult­ing com­pared to the year […]

    Vrije Vogels screenshot

    Vrije Vogels

    A loca­tion-based game about free­dom for chil­dren aged 8–12 and their fam­i­lies playable in Dutch lib­er­a­tion and resis­tance museums.

    A Bycatch player surveilling an opponent's hand of cards


    A card game about flawed sur­veil­lance, impos­si­ble deci­sions, and the peo­ple caught in between.



    A panoram­ic cam­era ball play­ground pro­duced in col­lab­o­ra­tion with by art & tech­nol­o­gy fes­ti­val STRP.



    An app for play­ful activism. Go out­side and use the app to stand still for a cause and share a record of it with your network.


    Cuppings tasting game

    A tiny print-it-your­self cof­fee tast­ing game for two, mak­ing peo­ple more aware of the aro­mas in a cup.

    Cuppings guide app

    Cuppings guide app

    An iPhone app that points the way to excel­lent cof­fee near you based on tast­ings from our inter­na­tion­al net­work of trust­ed experts.

    Art used on Ripple Effect landing page

    Ripple Effect

    A team-based game for Shell, aimed at mak­ing oth­er peo­ple’s safe­ty a per­son­al con­cern by con­nect­ing staff and con­trac­tors globally.

    Gamification illustration by Jasper Rietman

    Victory Boogie Woogie

    An exper­i­men­tal col­lab­o­ra­tive writ­ing game for the web about arti­fice and the arts, made in part­ner­ship with lit­er­ary mag­a­zine De Gids.



    A game for fam­i­lies vis­it­ing the cab­i­net of curiosi­ties at Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um Utrecht, about look­ing at things through the eyes of scientists.

    Picking Ceremony of Surprise party items at Hide&Seek Weekender 2012

    Ceremony of Surprise

    A self-com­mis­sioned per­for­ma­tive game about orga­niz­ing a sur­prise par­ty which leads to actu­al real-world festivities.

    Classroom playtest of a version of Galaxy Tours

    Galaxy Tours

    A design research project com­mis­sioned by Noord­hoff Pub­lish­ers, explor­ing the poten­tial of class­room games for sci­ence education.

    Pig Chase

    Pig Chase

    A game for pigs and humans, explor­ing the com­plex rela­tion­ship between two species and how this might be affect­ed by play.

    Code 4

    Code 4

    A large-scale game for organ­i­sa­tion­al change span­ning the dig­i­tal and the phys­i­cal, com­mis­sioned by the Dutch Tax Administration.

    PLAY Pilots

    PLAY Pilots

    A series of live games for cul­tur­al fes­ti­vals in the city of Utrecht and an online game that ties them all together.

    Learning Lab

    Learning Lab

    A series of games strad­dling the dig­i­tal and the phys­i­cal for an exper­i­men­tal high­er edu­ca­tion program.



    A social pho­to game that was played from 18 Sep­tem­ber to 11 Octo­ber 2009 in the Hoograven area of Utrecht. Kop­pelkiek was com­mis­sioned by Dutch Design Double.

    Change Your World

    Change Your World

    An action-packed phys­i­cal street game that was played on 27 Sep­tem­ber 2009 in the Rot­ter­dam city cen­tre. The game was designed for Your World.

    Mega Monster Battle Arena™

    Mega Monster Battle Arena™

    A hybrid game opera for the town of Mon­ster that was played on 18–20 June 2009. MMBA is one of the ‘11kernenoperas’ Dario Fo pro­duced to cel­e­brate the fifth anniver­sary of the West­land municipality.