Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Monthly Archives: December 2009

A new website

I’ve just flipped the switch on a new ver­sion of the web­site. This site replaces the place­hold­er site that was up for a while and should be a big improve­ment. How­ev­er, as with every­thing on the web, it will nev­er be fin­ished. So we plan on mak­ing adjust­ments over the com­ing weeks and months. Surely, […]

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Sketching a paper toy for a conference

At Game in the City 2009 we hand­ed out cards to all par­tic­i­pants. Here’s a pho­to: As you can see, there are nine vari­ants. Each has an illus­tra­tion of a fox doing, well, some­thing on the front, plus a quote. The quotes all relate to the nature of real­i­ty in some way. Part of the card can […]

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We have stickers

Our friends at BUROPONY have been hard at work on our brand design. We are very pleased with our Rey­­nard-in-daz­­zle-cam­ou­flage logo. So pleased in fact, that we’ve had a batch high qual­i­ty stick­ers print­ed! The box arrived today, and we’re eager to hand them out. So if you’d like a few, email us your mailing […]

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Read more about the making of Koppelkiek

I’ve just pub­lished a write-up of Kop­pelkiek, a project we ran ear­li­er this year. Kop­pelkiek is a social pho­to game designed for the Hoograven area of Utrecht. Play­ers shoot pho­tos of them­selves with friends, fam­i­ly or com­plete strangers and upload them to a web­site for points. If you’re curi­ous about why and how we made […]

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An interview at Game in the City 2009

I was inter­viewed by inter­net radio pro­duc­ers One-o-Nin­ers at Game in the CIty 2009. Below is a record­ing of the con­ver­sa­tion. It serves as a nice intro to what Hub­bub is about and what we were try­ing to achieve at the event. [audio:] Eng­lish read­ers please note: the inter­view is in Dutch. We’re sorry!

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