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Monthly Archives: September 2015

Making Camparc

This is a write­up of how we went about mak­ing Cam­parc, a panoram­ic cam­era ball. The sto­ry starts in July 2014 when STRP asks us to make a pub­lic space game for a ‘scene’ — one of the events lead­ing up to their 2015 bien­ni­al. They were look­ing for some­thing eye-catch­ing, acces­si­ble to a broad audience, […]

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Week 318

Let’s start at the end. On Thurs­day and Fri­day I par­tic­i­pat­ed in a two-day work­shop on the future of ener­gy at Free­dom­Lab. Mean­while, Alper moved apart­ments. I learned a lot about the nuts and bolts of our ener­gy sys­tem and came away opti­mistic about the switch to renew­ables. Alper learned a lot about how to […]

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Week 317

A qui­et week for once, now that we have wrapped up most of the cur­rent projects on deck. The slow­er pace took some get­ting used to even though it is a wel­come change from the con­stant pres­sure of the past few months. On the Free Birds front, we made some final fix­es to the build […]

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Week 316

Anoth­er week large­ly tak­en up by Free Birds. The whole team (Alper, Tim, Niels and myself) worked togeth­er on fin­ish­ing anoth­er release, which we did with only a small bit of over­time on Fri­day. With each sprint we learn more about the intri­ca­cies of Uni­ty’s UI sys­tem. We also deliv­ered a spec and a budget […]

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Week 315

Last week once again was very much a heads down kind of week. Alper more or less exclu­sive­ly worked on Free Birds. We also talked to the client about the next phase of the project, which kicks in after we fin­ish this sprint, and involves scal­ing up to mul­ti­ple muse­ums. Fur­ther­more, we pre­pared a bug […]

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