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Upcoming lecture on pervasive games at CIID

Final­ly, I get to lec­ture at my favorite inter­ac­tion design insti­tute, the CIID. If you’re in the Copen­hagen area, do come along. Here’s the description:

It seems that the brave new play­ful world promised by per­va­sive/ur­ban/loca­tive/al­ter­nate-real­i­ty games mavens of the past decade hasn’t real­ly mate­ri­al­ized. Gam­ing hasn’t left the liv­ing room much, it still most­ly hap­pens on screens and – despite new motion con­trollers and more con­nec­tiv­i­ty – it’s still not offer­ing many new social or phys­i­cal expe­ri­ences. Or is it?

In this talk Kars Alfrink, game design­er at Hub­bub (NL), looks at what’s going on with phys­i­cal, social games in cities, draw­ing exam­ples from both his own prac­tice and those of his peers. As a design­er, what’s a pro­duc­tive way of think­ing about play, what nov­el appli­ca­tions might you con­sid­er and what does it take to design for play­ful interactions?

where: The Audi­to­ri­um, Strand­boule­var­den 47, Øster­bro 2100

when: 5–6pm. Thurs­day, May 27th, 2010

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