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Week 326

The big thing this week was us fin­ish­ing the gold mas­ter release for Free Birds and review­ing it with our client, the Dutch Muse­ums Asso­ci­a­tion. Bar­ring a few final small fix­es we are ready to sub­mit to Apple after which it’s fin­gers crossed.

For project HENDO I head­ed over to Ams­ter­dam for the first work­shop with the State of Flux team in which we col­lec­tive­ly orri­ent­ed towards a promis­ing design direc­tion. Sub­se­quent­ly I attend­ed their final cocre­ation ses­sion for tem­po­rary spa­tial improve­ments to the Buik­sloter­meer­plein area.

In between all this I vis­it­ed Tin­ker Imag­i­neers twice to help them fig­ure out the design con­cept for a cor­po­rate onboard­ing game app.

Mean­while Alper took care of some house­keep­ing. The projects we opened up on GitHub now have prop­er readmes and licens­es attached. And we are prepar­ing the long-over­due move of this web­site to

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