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Tag Archives: Eric Zimmerman

Week 212

On Mon­day last week I returned from a fun stay in War­saw. That same day, I attend­ed This hap­pened – Utrecht #17. As almost always, the talks were love­ly hon­est accounts of how things were made. I was par­tic­u­lar­ly tak­en with Mieke Mei­jer’s sto­ry about her dis­cov­ery of a wood-like mate­r­i­al made of old newspapers. […]

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Hack days as ludic practice

It was at DiGRA that I first heard Eric Zim­mer­man talk about the idea of this being a ludic age. We’re in the peri­od that fol­lows the infor­ma­tion age, which we’ve more or less left behind. In the ludic age, says Zim­mer­man, “infor­ma­tion itself is put at play”.1 What does that mean? It can’t just […]

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