Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 273

Last week Kars and I crossed con­ti­nents. He came back from hol­i­day in Seoul (check out his visu­al food report) on the day I flew out to New York to attend PRACTICE.

I spent the week doing some admin­is­tra­tion, review­ing cur­rent projects among which Stand­ing and pack­ing. I’m also orga­niz­ing the fourth edi­tion of Game Design­ers Anony­mous at our stu­dio in Berlin.

After work­ing on Bycatch in Lon­don with the three of us, it was con­ve­nient for me to be in New York and be able to work on it with Sub­alekha. We had a marathon hang­out ses­sion with Kars from the Impact HUB to go over the copy for the rules before Natalye Chil­dress does the final edit.

PRACTICE was just as great as last year with lots of amaz­ing peo­ple present and a slew of insight­ful talks. The talk about Netrun­ner by Lukas Litzsinger espe­cial­ly hit home both because the game is a stu­dio favorite and because we are in the process of design­ing a card game our­selves and see­ing his process was rather humbling.


I met too many game design prac­ti­tion­ers at PRACTICE to count. Dur­ing the week I hung out most­ly with old Ams­ter­dam friend Peter Robi­nett of Bub­ble Foundry and Paper + Equa­tor (Sub­alekha’s design firm).

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