Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 300

Last week we were most­ly con­cerned with cap­tur­ing the press atten­tion the launch of Bycatch net­ted us. You can see most of the atten­tion post­ed over at the offi­cial web­site but we were hap­py to read things writ­ten on WIRED, Kotaku, NOS, Con­trol-Online among oth­er places. Not to men­tion the stuff still in var­i­ous pipelines. All of that atten­tion result­ed in a lot of sales. So much in fact that our Berlin based ful­fil­ment oper­a­tion is run­ning low on prod­uct. Don’t let that stop you from order­ing our game though. We have plen­ty more in our Utrecht office.

On the oth­er track work on SHACHI picked up pace and we’re busy build­ing that while we wait for our next playtest oppor­tu­ni­ty. Oth­er than that it was a fair­ly qui­et week with a cou­ple of meet­ings here and there.

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