Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 252

Last week we were again in lots of talks with peo­ple for poten­tial future projects. We are get­ting a lot of atten­tion on many fronts so we are rather pleased about that.

On Tues­day Nina Polak of Dutch online jour­nal­ism plat­form De Cor­re­spon­dent pub­lished an inter­view with us that we are very pleased with. It is unfor­tu­nate that it is in Dutch because it is a very nice por­tray­al of the kind of things we do and want to do. We got a bunch of respons­es and inquiries based on that inter­view through many chan­nels which was a nice side effect.

The rest of the week we were busy work­ing on the next release of Stand­ing which is look­ing rather stun­ning. The app is get­ting a whole new visu­al style designed by Simon Scheiber and we can’t wait to have it in an app store near you.

Kars start­ed work on his talk on Rip­ple Effect for the 20th This Hap­pened Utrecht which is hap­pen­ing tonight. Attend that if you can, I hear they sud­den­ly got more space.

Playing at being a frog

The week end­ed with me attend­ing the birth­day of Wig­wam and the house warm­ing of Eye­Em here in Berlin and with Kars going to Den Bosch to meet friends and play games at the Play­ful Arts Fes­ti­val.

Games for People by Pat Ashe and George Buckenham

Logis­ti­cal­ly I will be in Barcelona lat­er this week and Kars will be in Berlin lat­er this month.

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