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Week 301

Last week I processed the last of the media atten­tion for Bycatch. We now have a fair­ly hand­some list of praise in var­i­ous lan­guages at the top of the page (check it out!) with Kotaku, Killscreen, Deutsch­landra­dio Kul­tur, WIRED, NOS and Bright. We might add one or two more to that but with that it’s time to close off this chap­ter and move for­ward to our next steps. Next up most like­ly we will make a video about the game. We will also be talk­ing about and play­ing Bycatch around the world over the course of the year.

SHIJIMI hit a minor snag that will be resolved in the fol­low­ing weeks. It does look like every­body is enthu­si­as­tic about the project so it looks increas­ing­ly like­ly that this will move out of the ten­ta­tive stage.

Project SHACHI is well under­way con­sid­er­ing some changes hap­pen­ing over on the client side. For us it most­ly means that the cur­rent sprint could not be com­plet­ed due to exter­nal fac­tors and we will be post­pon­ing our playtest.

We will be involved in an upcom­ing sym­po­sium about auto­mat­ed game design orga­nized by the Ams­ter­dam Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences. We con­sult­ed on this before thanks to our asso­ciate Joris Dor­man­s’s involve­ment in the project. The top­ic of com­put­er aid­ed game design includ­ing fur­ther work on Machi­na­tions is some­thing that is high­ly rel­e­vant to our prac­tice. More on this later.

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