Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Two junior agents, signing off

For the past 4 months, a whoopin’ 1.253 hours (divid­ed amongst the both of us, mind you), we have been broad­cast­ing to you live from the Hub­bub stu­dio, bring­ing you the beez neez of top design in per­va­sive gam­ing and expe­ri­en­tial learning.

It might not always have been quite clear to you what exact­ly it is we did here. To be hon­est, this was not always clear to us either. Actu­al­ly, that was part of the fun! Being thrown into weird com­mis­sions, plung­ing head first into projects, busi­ness lunch­es, hot­tubs… Before­hand, there real­ly was no telling what we were up against. In ret­ro­spect, we couldn’t have known. We’ve been in the mid­dle of the Learn­ing Lab project since day one, and we’ve had a great deal in shap­ing it as we went along, along with the stu­dents and Dr. Thieu.

Being stu­dents, doing an intern­ship is about learn­ing. This, we did. We did because real­ly, what is expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing? How on earth do you teach through gam­ing? And not just nor­mal pre-school knowl­edge but lessons about the vast humon­gousi­ty of the human race and the deep inner reflec­tions of human consciousness!

And so we strug­gled, run­ning head first into con­crete walls, bat­tling ques­tions such as: “How do you use assump­tions as an active game­play ele­ment?”, “Where is the bal­ance between play­ing and learn­ing?” and “Why does my brain hurt?”. Because you´re a Design­er. And a Pio­neer. And we´re interns at an entre­pre­neur in the games industry.

OK and we also did like lots of oth­er stuff. Which was nice, and good.

The best thing for me in this intern­ship was the free­dom we had in mak­ing our own design. At the same time I was real­ly moti­vat­ed because we were actu­al­ly doing some­thing in the real world, the “big bad world”. And so it’s time to grab togeth­er these expe­ri­ences and tack­le the next big thing. Booya.

Wieger and Syl­van, sign­ing off.

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