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Come over and play at Tweetakt


From my win­dow I can see guys build­ing the Twee­t­akt pavil­ion on the Neude square. They’ve start­ed today. Next week, the fes­ti­val starts. And I’m a lit­tle excit­ed because this year I was asked by Twee­t­akt to curate the inter­ac­tive exhi­bi­tion that will be on dis­play at the pavilion.

Twee­t­akt is a fes­ti­val for per­form­ing arts for youth. The work I select­ed are all instal­la­tions with a play­ful nature. Twee­t­akt is deter­mined to bridge the gap between the tra­di­tion­al ele­ments in their pro­gram — such as the­atre and dance — and emerg­ing games cul­ture. What I also payed atten­tion to was that each work on dis­play would have a per­for­mance-like qual­i­ty to it. That is to say, it should be as much fun watch­ing peo­ple play as it is to play yourself.

The projects on dis­play are:

It’ll come as no sur­prise to you that many of these were fea­tured at pre­vi­ous edi­tions of This hap­pened – Utrecht. In fact the tenth edi­tion of the event coin­cides with Twee­t­akt, giv­ing us the chance to present to the local com­mu­ni­ty both Chris O’Shea (who co-found­ed the orig­i­nal This hap­pened in Lon­don, so it’s a joy to have him over) and Yuri Suzu­ki. Monoban­da and Matthias Oost­rik com­plete the line­up. The event is ful­ly booked, but you might have a chance at the door.

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