Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 175

And with that, my last work­ing day of 2012 comes to an end. We’re clos­ing shop for the next week and will be back in the sad­dle on Jan­u­ary 2nd. But before I go, one last set of notes on what we did this week.

The vast major­i­ty of my time was tak­en up by KAIGARA. Togeth­er with Her­man I final­ized our agen­da and built a deck of slides for the first work­shop, which hap­pened on Wednes­day. Walls were plas­tered with post-its by the time we were fin­ished, giv­ing us a nice map of the game’s aims, con­text of use and audi­ence. The sub­se­quent days we processed them, look­ing for the key themes and actions that will be the basis for the game design as we move forward.

Alper was over in NL this week so we sat down to dis­cuss the state of the busi­ness on Thurs­day. We looked ahead to 2013 a lit­tle and con­tin­ued to tin­ker with our part­ner­ship struc­ture, look­ing for the best fit for our dis­trib­uted bou­tique agency with an inter­na­tion­al outlook.

That’s it. Have a love­ly christ­mas, and see you on the flip side.

Hubbub Christmas greeting

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