Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 204

In Berlin, Alper spent time prepar­ing for an upcom­ing two-day work­shop on-site for SAME. He’s chew­ing on com­pli­cat­ed stuff togeth­er with Sebas­t­ian, involv­ing on-the-job learn­ing in an unfa­mil­iar cul­ture. We’re look­ing at apply­ing prin­ci­ples of self-deter­mi­na­tion the­o­ry and we need to do as much of it with ana­log means. No mean feat.

Mean­while, I most­ly worked on ASARI, vis­it­ing for meet­ings with the design team twice, and iter­at­ing on my con­cept sketch­es for game-like inter­ac­tions. I was quite pleased with how after many rounds of revi­sion, a some­what pre­dictable mini-games-based idea has mor­phed into an inter­est­ing mix of info­graph­ics and toy-like interactions.

Even though each of us is active­ly work­ing on one of these projects, we’re get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter at build­ing in time for quick, focused dis­cus­sions that improve the qual­i­ty of our work tremen­dous­ly. You could call it WAT: work­ing apart together.

Besides client work, we are com­mit­ted to pur­su­ing more self-com­mis­sioned projects. At the moment, this is AJI: an inves­ti­ga­tion into play­ful­ly aug­ment­ing civ­il dis­obe­di­ence and “piaz­za plus social media”. I hashed out screens based on the min­i­mal-viable set of user sto­ries we had agreed on after some dis­cus­sion. Alper then sat down to bang out a first pro­to­type, which I will have to take a look at soon…

More extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ty took place in the form of playtest­ing on the cof­fee tast­ing game I’ve been think­ing about for far too long already. Alper had a go togeth­er with Peter at KANT and pro­vid­ed me with valu­able feed­back. I have a list of things I want to tan­gle with, now to just make the time to do so.

Played the Cuppings tasting game with Peter and came up with this profile for Five Elephant's El Salvador Las Nubes Honey. Their notes: 'toasted almonds and blood orange marmalade with a nutty cocoa finish'

Speak­ing of KANT—the new work­place Alper has tak­en res­i­dence in and there­fore also Hub­bub’s new base of operations—a new overview of what all of KAN­T’s illus­tri­ous res­i­dents have to offer has gone up.

In Utrecht, I closed off the week with an excel­lent FRIDAYS AT 7. We had a nice turnout, most notably Joris Dor­mans, who put all game design­ers present to shame by bring­ing not one but three game pro­to­types (one dig­i­tal, one boardgame and one cardgame). Nat­u­ral­ly, we played all three of them and were more than entertained.

Playtesting a card game by Joris about arranged marriages.

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