Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 208

Last week was awe­some because Kars was in Berlin for most of the week work­ing from KANT. We have a high­ly func­tion­al way of work­ing-apart-togeth­er set­up which pow­ers most of the stu­dio’s work but there is a lev­el of cre­ative ener­gy that is hard to achieve over a Face­Time con­nec­tion. Besides that we also did a whole lot of house­keep­ing as well as eat­ing and drink­ing both of which are eas­i­er when you are in the same loca­tion. Hub­bub will be chang­ing and grow­ing in the future.

Today's office. (For a while already.)

We spent some time this week on our Cup­pings cof­fee tast­ing game. Besides being the pur­vey­ors of a rea­son­ably suc­cess­ful cof­fee guide we thought we could com­bine our inter­ests in both games and cof­fee to cre­ate a game that demys­ti­fies the cof­fee tast­ing process. Our cur­rent playtests are high­ly encour­ag­ing and this is some­thing that you should be able to play soon.

Another iteration of KOHI aka the Cuppings game. Close to a version which is ready for the public.

AJI is an impor­tant focus at the moment. We are work­ing out our our design notes on the piaz­za + social media space which are due out this week. I had already built a work­able pro­to­type for the provo­ca­tion we want to launch but it also needs to look good. We are going to spend con­sid­er­ably time in the next weeks before I head to Tokyo to make it look good and then show the world.


Con­sult­ing, pro­pos­als and new things are mov­ing for­ward slow­ly which is what is to be expect­ed dur­ing the height of August.

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