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Week 203

Last week got us into a good rhythm for our sum­mer engage­ments. A quick slice from our cur­rent stack.

Kars pre­pared and facil­i­tat­ed the sec­ond work­shop for ASARI where tons of sketch­ing result­ed in a rough­ly final con­cept which can go up for pre­sen­ta­tion before the start of the first design and devel­op­ment sprint. Kars and I also brain­stormed a bunch of fun games to add to the final prod­uct to give it that elu­sive fun fac­tor but still keep the nec­es­sary broad appeal. Some of these are real­ly extreme­ly fun and I hope they make it into the final site. Kars sketched these out for pre­sen­ta­tion in the next session.

We’re approach­ing the next work­shop ses­sion for SAME and prepar­ing for that by get­ting more con­text infor­ma­tion from the client. SAME revolves around a very chal­leng­ing prob­lem for a very large com­pa­ny but at the same time we are also get­ting a lot of free­dom to work in and con­tribute our bit to the solu­tion. Very excit­ing stuff and I hope to be able to share stuff from that here at some point.

We shipped the new ver­sion of Beesten­bende to the Uni­ver­siteitsmu­se­um and we look for­ward to see­ing their reac­tions on the sim­pli­fied game flow.

AJI is a new project where we will be mak­ing things to explore the social issues we treat­ed in pre­sen­ta­tions over the past years. We find that the approach that best fits with our sen­si­bil­i­ties is to deliv­er stuff that does some­thing. This means pro­to­types, games or prod­ucts that gen­er­ate the expe­ri­ences we want to con­vey. We sketched out the screens for this app and it should go into devel­op­ment next week.

I am going to be pre­sent­ing on this year’s Retune, prefer­ably on AJI but I think our recent approach to cre­ative con­sult­ing as well as our prin­ci­ples for cre­at­ing games are also ger­mane. It is going to be love­ly and it is orga­nized by some very nice peo­ple, so if you’re in Berlin then you should get a tick­et.

Kars reviewed Per­cep­tor’s upcom­ing puz­zle art game. We’re not real­ly fans of puz­zle games, but we can tell if some­thing is well made (not that we expect­ed any dif­fer­ent from these guys). Look for this to be in an app store near you soon.

Studio resident Sander trying to crack one of the puzzles in Perceptor's upcoming art game. It's fiendishly difficult and I'm not the biggest puzzle game fan so you can imagine my frustration during playtesting. (In other words, it's good and I'm sure it

Kars iter­at­ed the KOHI cof­fee tast­ing game pro­to­type and did a playtest on it. We’re try­ing to demys­ti­fy the cof­fee tast­ing expe­ri­ence and cre­ate a fun expe­ri­ence where you help each oth­er refine your palates. Cof­fee is an ongo­ing inter­est of ours and we hope to use this game to improve cof­fee tast­ing for our­selves and others.

Coffee tasting game playtest aftermath. Me and Sander had quite comparable tastes.

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