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Week 206–207

I’m writ­ing up two weeks in one go, for no par­tic­u­lar rea­son oth­er than that I was on a short hol­i­day in Stock­holm last week even though it was my turn to do notes. For shame. (STHLM is a rec­om­mend­ed des­ti­na­tion, I should add.)

Alper wrapped up project SAME togeth­er with Sebas­t­ian. They doc­u­ment­ed the out­put from the work­shops and hand­ed over to the client. I look for­ward to see­ing how things will devel­op at the clien­t’s end, they have a very inter­est­ing chal­lenge ahead of them.

Project AJI—the self-com­mis­sioned research project we’re work­ing on this quarter—saw some action with Alper bang­ing out a first min­i­mal pro­to­type. I played around with it, sug­gest­ed some improve­ments and we have set a tar­get for the next iteration.

Work on Beesten­bende con­tin­ued, too. I had a very pro­duc­tive work ses­sion with the muse­um’s edu­ca­tion expert. We went through the game front to back and made numer­ous copy improve­ments. I real­ly enjoy the fact that we’ve man­aged to cre­ate a very col­lab­o­ra­tive work­ing rela­tion­ship with the muse­um. It makes what could be incred­i­bly painful process­es a lot of fun in stead.

Those copy updates required some inter­face adjust­ments, which I made short­ly after and Alper wrapped every­thing up and sent a new ver­sion to the muse­um, ready for anoth­er round of testing.

For ASARI, I decid­ed to build a dig­i­tal pro­to­type of the “info­graph­ic toys” we’d come up with ear­li­er. Since so much of the fun of play­ing with these things will come from their feel and their micro-inter­ac­tions, it made sense to do this. Sketch­es and writ­ten descrip­tions would sim­ply leave too much up for interpretation.

I also went over to to hand over the pro­to­type and doc­u­men­ta­tion to their lead developer.

Final­ly, in the past two weeks I pub­lished two blog posts. One on how we cur­rent­ly approach design con­sult­ing, and one an inter­view with Marc Fontei­jn about the doc­u­men­tary film Mak­ing Progress.

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