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Week 277

We gave and won the pitch I men­tioned last week for the Dutch Muse­ums Asso­ci­a­tion so that is very good news and makes it very like­ly that we’ll be able to real­ize that idea in the new year.

Stand­ing made it out to the App Store and is look­ing amazing.

Hanging out with Lekha's dog Panther

Bycatch now has a BoardGameGeek page which we’ll fill out as we progress. This is great though because now you can already put it on your wish­list and talk about it there. Week­ly hang­outs about pro­duc­tion and mar­ket­ing are con­tin­u­ing and we’re on sched­ule for a Jan­u­ary release of the preorders.

Kars is work­ing on the user engage­ment of Dutch recruit­ing plat­form Social­Re­fer­ral. We enjoy work­ing with star­tups because the scale of their ambi­tion com­bines well with our prac­ti­cal design approach.

We shipped the pro­duc­tion plan on our engage­ment with KLM and wrapped that up. We will con­tin­ue to work with them in the new year to fur­ther con­cretize the concept.

Cup­pings our lit­tle cof­fee app got fea­tured on Prod­uct Hunt and saw a fair uptick in sales because of it.

We did a bunch of social calls around town to pre­pare plans for the new year. Kars gave a talk at Cre­ative Morn­ings Utrecht notes for which you can find on his Tum­blr (a video of that talk should also be forthcoming).

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