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Architects vs. Game Designers — Fight!

If you’re like me and con­sid­er the city to be a play­ground, then I’d love to have you join me in two weeks at the Waag for the first Best Scene in Town work­shop. The aim of this event is to explore the poten­tial of loca­tion-based media in the city. We’re look­ing for par­tic­i­pants with ideas or a vision around this top­ic; game design­ers, inter­ac­tion design­ers, archi­tects and peo­ple with a pas­sion for city life.

Waag Soci­ety’s Ronald Lenz has invit­ed me to give a short talk on what the future of the city looks like through the eyes of a game design­er. I’m very pleased to be joined by Mar­ti­jn de Waal of The Mobile City who’ll do the same from an urban­ist per­spec­tive. Dur­ing the work­shop you’ll get the chance to pro­to­type your idea using the acces­si­ble and easy to learn 7scenes platform.

Par­tic­i­pa­tion is free of charge. The event takes place on april 14 at Waag Soci­ety’s The­atrum Anatomicum (Nieuw­markt 4, Ams­ter­dam, NL). For a full sched­ule head over to the even­t’s page at

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  1. Posted April 3, 2010 at 19:14 | Permalink

    Archi­tects and game design­ers should not be pit­ted against each oth­er. Archi­tects would lose bad­ly. Let’s be hon­est, in this day and age with the inter­net and such, the archi­tec­tur­al pro­fes­sion is look­ing increas­ing­ly out­dat­ed and weak.

    The only thing that is keep­ing them in the sad­dle is the fact that they have a monop­oly on design for the built envi­ron­ment. But I can’t say their track record has been the bestest and the secure­ness of that monop­oly is fast­ly eroding.

    If any­thing, game design­ers should become arms deal­ers to archi­tects, sup­ply­ing them with the tools to bet­ter visu­al­ize, nar­rate, sup­port and democ­ra­tize the process with which they cre­ate our liv­ing envi­ron­ments. Now that would be something.

  2. Kars
    Posted April 6, 2010 at 21:04 | Permalink

    “Arms deal­ers for archi­tects,” I love it! Sor­ry for tak­ing this long to approve your com­ment and respond, Alper. I too think archi­tec­ture is in dire need of a ‘reboot’, so to say. And ulti­mate­ly what is need­ed is bro­ker­ing of knowl­edge and tools between these domains to tack­le the issues on the table. But forced col­lab­o­ra­tion isn’t very inter­est­ing when it comes to work­shops like this, fram­ing things as a con­test might lead to more stim­u­lat­ing dis­course, don’t you think?