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Week 142

At the start of last week, I found myself work­ing on a nation­al hol­i­day. A fate not unfa­mil­iar to most busi­ness own­ers, I guess. That day, and the one fol­low­ing it, I was tweak­ing the Saba build we would be test­ing on Wednes­day. Myself and Alper have got­ten into a nice rhythm of remote col­lab­o­ra­tion. Going back and forth between Utrecht and Berlin through a com­bi­na­tion of GitHub, Skype and Basecamp.

I ran the play test togeth­er with Erwin, for whom this was his last con­tri­bu­tion to the project. We would have loved to have him around for pro­duc­tion sup­port longer, but he has six months abroad doing some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent ahead of him. Per­haps we’ll see more of him afterwards.

The Saba tests went rel­a­tive­ly smooth, although of course there are plen­ty of things to improve on, which is the whole point of the exer­cise. Things are com­ing togeth­er nice­ly and we are more or less at the stage where we can start “plussing”. On Thurs­day and Fri­day I devot­ed some time to doc­u­ment­ing find­ings. Edit­ing video, writ­ing down notes, that sort of thing.

For Kani, I met up with Her­man and Hanne on Tues­day to reflect on our expe­ri­ence run­ning the work­shop the week before. We made plans for the final leg of this engage­ment, which is a con­cept pre­sen­ta­tion that includes our research find­ings and a plan and bud­get for pro­duc­tion. I worked some more on the con­cept part with Hanne lat­er in the week.

On Fri­day I did some long over­due work on Hamachi togeth­er with Tim. It’s an exper­i­men­tal social game we’ll be pub­lish­ing under a CC license. It’s almost ready. We’ve been tweak­ing copy and design­ing the print-on-demand bits. I found myself googling for fun­ny pho­tos of ani­mals and pulling them through an Atkin­son dither­ing app. A suit­able way to fin­ish the week, I guess.

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