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Week 210


Last Mon­day I was in Utrecht to work on site with Kars and take care of some for­mal­i­ties we had pre­pared when Kars was in Berlin.

Settled in

On Tues­day while I was in the train back, Kars was in Ams­ter­dam catch­ing up with a bunch of good friends (some­thing I had done the night before by clinch­ing a pub quiz).

Boss writer @nielsthooft presenting his near future novel De Verdwijners

On Wednes­day I was writ­ing a report all day at KANT. The very same day, long-time col­lab­o­ra­tor Niels ‘t Hooft pre­sent­ed his new­ly pub­lished book ‘De Verd­wi­jn­ers’. Hav­ing already read and enjoyed an advanced copy of the book, I dare­say that this dark and dirty spec­u­la­tive fic­tion work is a treat for Dutch literature.

The rest of the week Kars worked on ASARI and we put in a lot of time to get AJI into a show­able state (read more about that here). The mobile graph­ic design is iter­at­ing along nice­ly. And how­ev­er nice Xcode makes mobile devel­op­ment, it still isn’t an inter­face where pro­gram­mers and non-pro­gram­mers can work togeth­er on an equal footing.

We hope to be able to show AJI when I get back from my hol­i­day in Japan in two weeks. In the mean­time Kars will keep the stu­dio running.

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