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Week 187

On Mon­day Kars pre­sent­ed the final HIRAME con­cept at the client. Aside from some minor tweaks need­ed on the brand­ing front it was received well. We’re hop­ing this will turn into a full-on pro­duc­tion project like KAIGARA next —at which point we’ll prob­a­bly be able to reveal its client— but for now we’ll have to be patient. After that he stormed on to Ams­ter­dam to attend the fifth This hap­pened – Ams­ter­dam.

Getting ready for This happened #5

The rest of the week was most­ly tak­en up by game and inter­ac­tion design sprints (Kars and Tim) for KAIGARA. The design is being final­ized as we speak so we can speed off the devel­op­ment run­way in a straight line. Also lots more project man­age­ment and tech prep work (Kars and me) and going into art (Bas­ti­aan) and writ­ing (Niels).

You may have seen it but we’re dot­ting the is and cross­ing the ts for Your Dai­ly Vic­to­ry Boo­gie, which we devel­oped with lit­er­ary mag­a­zine De Gids (their write-up in Dutch).

Stu­dio Papaver (who Kars advised) pre­sent­ed their work for the Stu­dio for Unso­licit­ed Archi­tec­ture at the New Insti­tute and they did great. They pre­sent­ed a sol­id analy­sis of pop­u­la­tion shrink­age, and their design for a col­lec­tive intel­li­gence game was backed up by tes­ti­mo­ni­als from a suc­cess­ful playtest and gnarly graph­ic design by Amp. Mean­while I attend­ed the local Cocoa­heads meet­up to keep in touch with peo­ple doing sol­id iOS work in Berlin.

In oth­er news: our friends over at Hide&Seek are doing a Kick­starter to devel­op their Tiny Games into an iPhone app. Kars will be design­ing a game for them, so you should def­i­nite­ly back it:

The week­end was also dot­ted with work.

I spent Sat­ur­day morn­ing work­ing at the Wooga offices after help­ing out with the local Rails Girls. Most of the morn­ing I inves­ti­gat­ed open­Frame­works’ poten­tial as a game engine for iOS after hear­ing that Ridicu­lous Fish­ing was writ­ten in it.

But there was also time to play board games:

Getting slaughtered at Cuba by @liekedev

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