Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 238

We are most­ly work­ing on AJI right now with lots of pro­pos­als and small­er engage­ments run­ning in between. We are prepar­ing a ton of things for the com­ing six months vary­ing from new projects, to pub­li­ca­tions, exhi­bi­tions, pre­sen­ta­tions and teach­ing engage­ments around the world. Besides all of that we have also been enjoy­ing the unex­pect­ed­ly sun­ny weath­er in our indus­tri­al Utrecht stu­dio and across Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Vechtclub XL lunch in the sun

The rest of the week was spent most­ly on AJI which is shap­ing up nice­ly and we should be able to share stuff on that with more peo­ple and you soon.


Kars went to Ams­ter­dam to dis­cuss future prospects and we spent a lot of time call­ing both between us and with future col­lab­o­ra­tors. I vis­it­ed some mee­tups here in Berlin to catch up with what’s hap­pen­ing in the local scene. We did a final review on an arti­cle for Dutch week­ly Vrij Ned­er­land that should be in stores this week. We think it has become a thor­ough and bal­anced piece on gam­i­fi­ca­tion and we are keen to see the response it receives.

Visual reference material on the floor during Energiehuis workshop

On Fri­day Kars went to Dor­drecht to do a work­shop togeth­er with W♥YW and in the week­end I met one of the founders of Ding Dong, an app that has been a Hub­bub favorite of late.

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