Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 298


Last week I pre­pared and gave a talk at Repub­li­ca and spent some time at the fes­ti­val after work. Repub­li­ca sort of is the Ger­man SxSW and brings peo­ple from all over to Berlin for a cou­ple of days. I caught up with lots peo­ple and spoke to some reporters as well.


That week being the Berlin web week there were tons of oth­er events as well includ­ing my col­league Peter Bihr’s long antic­i­pat­ed Thingscon. I crashed a bit of their social pro­gram and met a bunch more peo­ple there.

Kars fin­ished all of his work for SHACHI and flew off to Indone­sia ear­ly in the week for some well deserved R&R. I flew to Ams­ter­dam on Sun­day for appoint­ments in the Nether­lands and to con­tin­ue Hub­bub oper­a­tions and projects dur­ing his absence.

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